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SSP Virtual Community Game, "POST-MORTEM" @Osage & in the studio: Mak Ka-yin


SSP Virtual Community Game, "POST-MORTEM" @Osage & in the studio: Mak Ka-yin

The Works presents the latest art's happening in Hong Kong to our audience.

The Works

RTHK' s The Works focuses on Hong Kong's arts and cultural scene.

The Works features news and reviews of visual and performing arts, design, literary and other “ works ” .

Added illumination comes from interviews with leading performers and producers, interspersed with updates on events affecting the development of the territory 's artistic and cultural life. There's also in – most weeks – a live studio performance.

The Works is aired on RTHK 32 every Wednesday at 21:30 & RTHK 31 every Saturday at 16:00.

We're on Facebook
Instagram @rthktheworks

Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.