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Women starting businesses (1-3-2019)


Women starting businesses (1-3-2019)

on this week's Agender Cafe, we're talking about women starting businesses, or who've taken a break from their careers and are thinking about going back to work. That's with Andrea Roth, the president of the locally based American Women's Association; Lale Kesebi, the founder and CEO of Human at Work; and Sonalie Figueiras, the founder and editor-in-chief of Green Queen, an online health and wellness media platform.

Agender Cafe

The Agender Cafe serves up a delicious array of topics on gender, sex, sexuality and society. Every week we have a frank, open conversation with our guests about issues which affect us all, and try to tackle some of those “taboo” topics.

Sit down with hosts Karen Koh & Noreen Mir every Friday from 2-3pm and enjoy a visit to the Agender Cafe!
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