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EU election results / International Gastronomy Forum, Macau


EU election results / International Gastronomy Forum, Macau

 On this week's programme, we're talking about the EU election results, as far-right parties made significant gains seconding the centre-right.

In a move sending shock waves within his own camp, French President Emmanuel Macron called for snap legislative elections later this month, after his pro-EU movement Renaissance garnered less than half the National Rally’s support.

Some analysts say that President Macron hopes the snap elections will help contain the surge of the far-right, a risky gamble critics say could turn against odds and see Marine Le Pen's acolyte Jordan Bardella become Prime Minister.

Meanwhile in Germany, the centre-right CDU/CSU alliance claimed victory, followed by the far-right AFD which became the strongest party in eastern states.

What do these results tell us about the EU's trajectory? We find out.

After 9:45, we speak to Macau's tourism chief Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, as the SAR is hosting a 10-day gastronomy forum

9:05am-9:45am: EU election results

9:05am-9:45am: Éric Sautedé, Political Scientist; Lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and coordinator at the Jean Monnet Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University
9:05am-9:45am: Sebastian Contin-Trillo Figueroa, EU-China analyst and Asia Global Fellow at the University of Hong Kong
9:05am-9:45am: Nicole Brooke Scicluna, Assistant Professor in Government and International Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University

9:45am-10:00am: International Gastronomy Forum, Macau

9:45am-10:00am: Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of the Macao Government Tourism Office


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