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Hong Kong's role in space development / Mental health app / Dragon Boat races


Hong Kong's role in space development / Mental health app / Dragon Boat races

 On Tuesday’s Backchat, we're talking about Hong Kong’s role in space development. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University announced that a device it had developed has enabled China’s Chang’e space mission to successfully sample soil from the far side of the moon — a first in history.

The equipment consists of high-tech cameras which select an area to sample, before the samplers collect the soil and put it into a container.

This milestone comes as the central authorities have pledged to boost Hong Kong’s role in China’s space programme, with the city soon to have its first homegrown astronaut.

After 9:30, we learn more about a newly developed app which can diagnose depression.

And after 9:45 we review this year’s dragon boat race.

9:05am-9:30am: Hong Kong's role in space development

9:05am-9:30am: Prof Quentin Parker, Director of the University of Hong Kong’s Laboratory for Space Research
9:05am-9:30am: Dewey Yee, Professor of Practice in Aviation Management and Finance, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

9:30am-9:45am: Mental health app

9:30am-9:45am Tim Li, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9:45am-10:00am: Dragon Boat races

9:45am-10:00am: Simon Wan, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association


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