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Art Personalised@HKMoA, HKDI's Embrace & in the studio: Sea Island & Ferry


Art Personalised@HKMoA, HKDI's Embrace & in the studio: Sea Island & Ferry

Last summer, when the chamber ensemble Sea Island & Ferry came to our studio, they played us a new piece of music they'd composed for the exhibition, “In-Between” organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Art. This year, three members of the group have ventured into scoring a documentary and are currently preparing for an upcoming concert. The idea of the Museum of Art's “In-Between” exhibition I just mentioned was to show lesser-known works by well-known artists from the museum’s four core collections. This year the museum has again delved into its collections, this time to put together an exhibition based on four personality types.

Tradition and innovation are at the heart of the Hong Kong Design Institute’s annual Emerging Design Talents exhibition. This year, centred on the theme of “embrace”, there are over 500 pieces on display. Created by graduates from disciplines including architecture, interior and product design, communication design, digital media, fashion and jewellery arts, the focus of the exhibits is on using technology to promote social sustainability.

The Works

  • Video
  • English
  • Culture
  • On-going
RTHK' s The Works focuses on Hong Kong's arts and cultural scene.

The Works features news and reviews of visual and performing arts, design, literary and other “ works ” .

Added illumination comes from interviews with leading performers and producers, interspersed with updates on events affecting the development of the territory 's artistic and cultural life. There's also in – most weeks – a live studio performance.

The Works is aired on RTHK 32 every Wednesday at 21:30 & RTHK 31 every Saturday at 16:00.

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Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.
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