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Why is CrowdStrike's revcovery of outage slow, Govt partners with Galbot, Startups "graduated" at Sc


Why is CrowdStrike's revcovery of outage slow, Govt partners with Galbot, Startups "graduated" at Sc

Experts say that CrowdStrike's slow recovery from their recent outage was because they’ve had to manually boot every single computer on their network, but most employees didn’t have the right to do so.

A flawed software update from the cyber security firm wreaked havoc on Microsoft Windows computers worldwide, delaying countless flights and forcing businesses around the world to shut down.

Why did a single update cause so much chaos? And more importantly, how can organisations protect themselves from similar incidents in future? Listen to Raj’s take on the issue.

You'll also hear from some of Hong Kong's start-ups which have recently completed incubation programmes at Science Park, as well as a new partnership between the SAR government and Beijing robotics company Galbot.

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