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Christine Loh on Hong Kong's Hidden Communists; Biodiesel Fuel


Christine Loh on Hong Kong's Hidden Communists; Biodiesel Fuel

It’s an open secret that the Chinese Communist Party has long functioned in Hong Kong, still functions in Hong Kong, and will continue to function in Hong Kong, even though, strictly speaking, it has no legal presence here. A new book by Christine Loh, “Underground Front”, describes how the party’s been working here. She's in our studio

In Hong Kong, as in many countries, a considerable amount of public transport uses diesel fuel. In many nations, it’s mandatory to ensure that diesel fuel consists of at least 5% biodesel for environmental reasons.And if you don’t know what biodiesel is, it may be time to head to your nearest fast food restaurant.

The Pulse

RTHK's English-language current affairs programme that takes "The Pulse" of Hong Kong ... and the world around it.

"The Pulse" is presented by locally and internationally known journalist and writer Steve Vines.

Its focus? The latest events and trends that affect Hong Kong - from the corridors of power and business boardrooms, to the streets and dai pai dongs.

"The Pulse" is politics. What's happening in the Legislative Council and on the streets right now.

"The Pulse" is the media, informing us how well or badly our press and broadcast organisations diagnose and reflect the society around us.

"The Pulse" is insightful, in-depth reports and interviews on current issues - examining those issues in depth, looking behind and beyond the news.

Its focus is on the timely. The Now.

Keep your eye ... and your finger ... on "The Pulse".

If you want to discuss anything you've seen in "The Pulse", or anything in the public eye right now, or just to talk about the show, why not join in the debate on our Facebook page, RTHK's The Pulse. 

Starting 3 April, the programme is aired every Friday on RTHK 31 at 19:30. 

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Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.