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Policy Address 2020 discussion with: Liberal Party James Tien & Democratic Party Wu Chi-wai


Policy Address 2020 discussion with: Liberal Party James Tien & Democratic Party Wu Chi-wai

On Wednesday, Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered her delayed Policy Address to a half-empty Legislative Council chamber. Opposition members had boycotted the session.
The first part of the title of the Address “Striving Ahead” is a phrase frequently used by Chinese President Xi Jinping in his speeches. Lam detailed the support the Central Government has given the HKSAR and the results she says she achieved during her recent visit to Beijing. The Chief Executive also said it was the first time in 23 years that a specific chapter had been dedicated to upholding “One Country, Two Systems”. In that chapter, she said there is a need to restore Hong Kong’s constitutional order and political system from chaos caused by an inadequate understanding of the Constitution and the Basic Law and by ill-intentioned people influenced by external forces.

With me to talk about the Policy Address are the Honorary Chair of the Liberal Party, James Tien, and the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Wu Chi-wai.

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Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.