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Mel Jacoby's wartime Asia

Melville Jacoby came to Guangdong in 1936 - it was supposed to be just for a year. But the US student became intensely interested in China and was aware that war loomed. So he returned. US journalist Bill Lascher inherited Jacoby's photos, journals and letters. Jacoby's photographs show wartime Chungking, the Soong sisters and Chiang Kai Shek, ordinary people in China, Vietnam and the Philippines. He died at just 25 and now these photos are being seen for the first time.

Hong Kong Heritage

Every week, journalist, broadcaster and local historian, Annemarie Evans, explores Hong Kong, digging up many (often forgotten or unknown) aspects of our cultural, architectural, and artistic heritage. 
Listen live via Radio 3's homepage

Saturdays 7.30am - 8.00am (HKT) - first broadcast
Sundays 6.15pm - 6.45pm (HKT) - repeat broadcast

Podcast available weekly after the first broadcast. 

If you would like to share your story or some Hong Kong cultural history with us, please email
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