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Hong Kong History


On Friday's Backchat, telling the Hong Kong Story.
The permanent exhibition of the Hong Kong Museum of History will close for an extensive revamp on Monday after 20 years. What should be in the future version of our past? How will it deal with colonial history, and 'One Country Two Systems'? History and local heritage have become particularly politicized - should the display reflect or avoid this? How would you deal with June 4th, Occupy, the 67 riots or SARS?

John Carroll, Professor, Department of History and Associate Dean of the
Faculty of Arts at the University of Hong Kong
Haider Kikabhoy, Co-founder of Walk-In Hong Kong & History writer
Ian Alden Russell, Associate Professor in Cultural Studies and Director, MA
Programme in Cultural Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong 
Reynold Tsang, PhD student in Histroy at University of Oxford, also an expert on the history of museums in Hong Kong.
Gordon Poon, Historian and writer


Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's week-daily current affairs discussion programme, with expert panels and listener participation. It airs every Monday to Friday from 9.05am - 10am (HKT).
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