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Seats sell out on first overnight train to Beijing
Tough rules imposed under new taxi fleet regime
Taxi trade gears up for courtesy campaign
Augmented reality tours expanded to Lei Yue Mun
'Interviews with senior villagers enriched tour project'
Govt coffers cannot fund huge pay hike for staff
HKU president in the dark over senior staff changes
New teaching kit for autistic teens to make friends
HK's wealth connect scheme gets an upgrade
Putin warns against western arms deliveries to Ukraine
Biden imposes asylum ban at US-Mexico border
Corals scorched by record temperatures in Thailand
Google to face UK legal battle over dominance
Rugby teams face final bid to qualify for Paris Games
First-person zombie shooter dominates exhibition

RTHK's Hong Kong Today

RTHK's morning news programme, keeping you up to date with the latest news from Hong Kong
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