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Epi6 Dancing with the Rainforest


Epi6 Dancing with the Rainforest

With most places in China clouded by smog in recent years, it is fortunate that there is still a piece of pure land in the far southwest of the country. Regarded as the “emerald” on the Northern Tropic, Xishuangbanna remains the most intact tropical rainforest in Mainland China’s ecological system. The warm and humid climate throughout the year with ample sunlight and rain renders it the only oasis in the desert belt of the Northern Tropic, as well as a rare gene pool of flora and fauna. Spanning nearly 20,000 square kilometres, this land is awe-inspiringly home to over 5,000 kinds of tropical plants and animals. Buttress roots, ficus gibbosa, parashorea chinensis, peacocks and wild elephants are among the many other meticulous arrangements by Mother Nature in creating the spectacular, unparalleled scenery in Xishuangbanna.

Situated in the southwest of China, Xishuangbanna is where the country shares borders with Laos and Myanmar. Lancang River, also known as the “Danube of the East”, enters Xishuangbanna in the northwest and runs through the whole area before leaving from the southeast. The part of the river beyond China’s territory is called Mekong River. There are more than 13 ethnic groups residing in the area, with Dai being the most populous. The Dai and the rainforest have been interdependent of each other since thousands of years ago. This luxuriant rainforest is exactly the origin of their lives. As seen from one of their sayings, “With the forest comes water, with water comes farmland, with farmland come crops, and with crops come humans,” they venerate the rainforest as the beginning of everything. In this era of rapid developments, how do the Dai – who have co-existed with the rainforest for generations – maintain a simple lifestyle while safeguarding the Dai cultures passed on by ancestors and the forest behind their home?

Assistant Producer:Katty CHEUNG
Producer: Clarissa MA

Cultural Heritage-The Land

Cultural Heritage-The Land - a series of 8 episodes focus on the geographical beauty of mainland China.
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