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Quality Retirement (I): Insights from Singapore and South Korea


Quality Retirement (I): Insights from Singapore and South Korea

According to the United Nations' "World Population Prospects", by 2050, one in six people in the world will be aged 65 or older. Many advanced economies such as Singapore, South Korea, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong are facing serious ageing populations. South Korea is among the fastest-ageing populations globally, while Singapore is also beginning to confront this issue. This episode explores the mindsets and health management of the elderly in these two countries before and after retirement, covering aspects like interpersonal relationships, community ties, and self-worth pursuits. How does Singapore handle senior mental health for retirement? How does South Korea tackle elderly loneliness and promote healthcare services? How do they help seniors in finding happiness through community participation, striving for a quality retirement life?

Hong Kong Connection

If “ Hong Kong Connection ” were a tree, how old would it be? It was on 5 March, 1978 that the documentary series first went on the air in Chinese.

As the series continues, its staff are determined to go on uncovering and delving into every local and international topic that concerns the people in Hong Kong, whether it be political, economic, educational, commercial, environmental or technological.

A tree plays an important environmental role in refreshing the air that we breathe and holding from the earth on which we stand. It is Hong Kong Connection's mission to provide the public with information and analyses as well as an opportunity for rational discussion.

The programme is aired from 29 May 2023 (Monday) on RTHK32 at 9:30pm - 10:00pm.
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