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1. Black

- Black and blue --- 傷痕累累 (bruise)
She was black and blue all over after falling downstairs.
- A black day --- 不吉利的日子 (a sad, unpleasant day)
It was a black day for all Japanese when the earthquake attacked the country on Mar 11.
- A black look --- 生氣或不贊成的樣子
Mary gave Peter a black look when he suggested she should do the washing-up.
- A black market --- 黑市
Tickets for the match are being sold on the black market for up to $2000.

2. White

- Whiter than white --- 潔白無瑕, 品格高尚
The government must be seen to be whiter than white.
- A white lie --- 善意的謊言
When she asked me if I liked her new dress, I had to tell a white lie.
- A white elephant --- 昂貴卻無用的東西
That theatre is really a white elephant. It cost millions to build but nobody ever goes there.

3. Grey

- A grey area --- 灰色地帶 (cf. black and white ---黑白分明)
There are many grey areas in this issue.
- Somebody’s face goes grey --- 驚恐的樣子
As he listened to the story, his face went grey with shock.
- Men in grey suits --- 幕後主腦
It will be the men in grey suits who decide on the winner of the game.
- Grey matter --- 頭腦, 智力
Mark hasn’t got much grey matter, but everyone knows he always tries hard.

4. Red

- In the red --- 赤字
At this time of the year we are usually in the red.
- On red alert --- 處於緊急狀態
Following the bomb blast, the whole country has been put on red alert.
- A red face --- 尷尬
Mary has a red face whenever we talk about her romance with Peter.
- See red --- 勃然大怒
His yelling at the elderly made me see red.

5. Green

- Green light --- 許可 (cf. red light不可)As soon as we get the green light, we will start advertising for the new post.
- Green fingers --- 精通園藝
Your garden looks beautiful because of your green fingers.
- Green with envy --- 充滿妒忌
He was green with envy when he saw their expensive new car.


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