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Vasily Shukshin in "Theatre of Nations", Chinese ink artists, art made from found objects


Vasily Shukshin in "Theatre of Nations", Chinese ink artists, art made from found objects

Russia. Vasily Shukshin was born into a Siberian peasant background, but had become a much-loved name in the Soviet Union by the 1960s and early 1970s. One of Russian cinema’s leading figures, a film director and actor, he also wrote novels, plays, movie scripts and short stories. Last month, as part of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, a selection of those stories was featured in a three-hour stage production.

In an 1971 essay, American art historian Linda Nochlin asked, "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” It was a pertinent question, and its asking had a galvanizing effect on feminist art history and feminist art theory. The topic of “women in art” will be taking centre stage during Hong Kong’s Art Month as the Asia Art Archive is organising a series of talks on the issue. Last week, to coincide with Women’s Day, Alisan Fine Art featured 11 Chinese women artists working in ink art at a charity exhibition called “Hope”.

Hong Kong’s recycling rate for waste products is pretty low. A measly 1%. That’s bad news from the environment, but for one group of artists it has led to opportunity. At the Art Experience Gallery, five artists are incorporating discarded objects, domestic waste and rubbish into ceramics, sculptures, installations and paintings. The exhibition’s called: “Recover”.

On Monday evening this week, two of Italy’s most accomplished musical performers, violinist Domenico Nordio and guitarist Massimo Scattolin gave a concert featuring the work of renowned 19th century players and composers – Niccolò Paganini and Mauro Giuliani. While Paganini’s known for his violin virtuosity and his pieces designed to exhibit it, he was also very interested in the guitar. Giuliani, his contemporary, was praised as a consummate guitarist who also composed for solo and accompanied guitar. Domenico Nordio and Massimo Scattolin are with me in the studio right now to tell us more about the two men and the repertoire for their instruments.

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