Hidden Elderly
Hidden Elderly
According to the 2021 Population Census, there are about 320,000 elderly singletons and elderly couple households in Hong Kong. Among them, there is a notable number of “hidden elderly” who are socially withdrawn, lacking in family or peer support, and disconnected from normal social networks and activities. They also do not know how to seek assistance from social service providers. The Labour and Welfare Bureau's data in 2023 shows that there are currently 214 elderly community centres in Hong Kong, and around 9,000 hidden elderly and needy are receiving case follow-up services. What are the needs of these "hidden elderly" behind our vibrant and prosperous society? Can the current policies adequately address their needs?
If “ Hong Kong Connection ” were a tree, how old would it be? It was on 5 March, 1978 that the documentary series first went on the air in Chinese.
As the series continues, its staff are determined to go on uncovering and delving into every local and international topic that concerns the people in Hong Kong, whether it be political, economic, educational, commercial, environmental or technological.
A tree plays an important environmental role in refreshing the air that we breathe and holding from the earth on which we stand. It is Hong Kong Connection's mission to provide the public with information and analyses as well as an opportunity for rational discussion.
The programme is aired from 29 May 2023 (Monday) on RTHK32 at 9:30pm - 10:00pm.
As the series continues, its staff are determined to go on uncovering and delving into every local and international topic that concerns the people in Hong Kong, whether it be political, economic, educational, commercial, environmental or technological.
A tree plays an important environmental role in refreshing the air that we breathe and holding from the earth on which we stand. It is Hong Kong Connection's mission to provide the public with information and analyses as well as an opportunity for rational discussion.
The programme is aired from 29 May 2023 (Monday) on RTHK32 at 9:30pm - 10:00pm.