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Operation Santa Claus 2020 – HandsOn Hong Kong


Operation Santa Claus 2020 – HandsOn Hong Kong

Operation Santa is now in full swing, jointly organized by RTHK Radio 3 and the South China Morning Post. This year we're supporting 19 charities including HandsOn Hong Kong, which runs a project called “Care Delivered” with another charity, Feeding Hong Kong.
We talk to project organisers Catherine Dannaoui, Associate Director of HandsOn, and Gabrielle Kirstein, Chief Executive Officer of Feeding Hong Kong, to find out how this joint campaign is helping some of the most vulnerable people who are being affected by Covid-19. Brian Cheung, from United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service at Sau Mau Ping Community Health Centre, explains how the project benefits the elderly in particular.

Operation Santa Claus 2020 (Video)

Operation Santa Claus (OSC) was jointly established by the South China Morning Post and Radio Television Hong Kong to connect the local community with worthwhile charities. Since 1988, OSC has brought joy, goodwill and over HK$316 million to 287 charities.

Every Christmas, OSC celebrates hope and generosity to remind everyone it is the season to care. We thank our amazingly generous donors over the past 32 years and we always look forward to making Christmas more special for the needy.

This year is no exception. OSC is raising funds for 19 selected local charities to support projects ranging from providing children, youth and elderly services to helping those with physical and mental disabilities.

Every little helps. Please donate to Operation Santa Claus to spread Christmas goodwill.