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英語篇 #7 與移民相關的英文用語


英語篇 #7 與移民相關的英文用語

● 移民英文 immigration vs migration?
- immigrate/immigration - moving to another country
E.g. I immigrated to the UK in 2020.
- migration(電腦系統的)/ (信息的)遷移
E.g. Thanks for your patience during the migration to the new system.
- emigrate 移出
E.g. Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the 19th century.
- 不過普通會講 “move to”
- “move to Australia” vs “go to Australia”
I am just going to the UK for a month, I am not moving there.

● 移民/ 去英國讀書經歷 - 有咩tips?
- 不需要介意自己講錯/ 文法錯都唔緊要
- 大公司有翻譯員

● 有冇二手店買傢俬furniture? 美國有thrift stores? Charity shop?英國呢?
- TJ Maxx - 好似outlet 嘅店
- nightstand/ lamps/ dresser
- couch (sofa) 英國人是否叫couch?
- If you are renting an apartment or house, you probably don’t need to worry about buying huge home appliances.
租屋 其實都不用買大型家電如 stove/fridge/oven
- furnished, unfurnished, semi-furnished?
- apartment vs flat?

● In Hong Kong, my husband and I like to go to Mxxxx Sxxxxxx for groceries.
喺香港 我成日都去Mxxxx Sxxxxxx/ 英國有好多間 / groceries (日常生活用品)

● When you were studying in the UK, what did you normally buy when you went to the supermarket? 去到英國國supermarket經常買咩?

(美國其實係叫grocery store)
我自己會買:(我地唔講好容易果啲啦 如meat/milk )
- sourdough bread
- sandwich meat
- sour cream 酸奶油
- salad dressing
- frozen food (美國人經常吃/ 幾行 aisles 賣frozen food)

● 近年收得最多的信息好像是 “Hey! I am moving back to the UK!” 我搬回英國居住!
與朋友farewell 時,會講以下說話:
- 後會有期
Until we meet again.

- All good things must come to an end.
- 天下無不散之筵席 / 比喻世事無常,有聚必有散,分離是不可避免的
- 亦可以講:
I wish you the best of luck! Let us know when you have settled in.


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