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SWIRLS Nowcasting System

When planning trips, many of us are keen to know if it will rain in the next few hours. Although the weather is ever-changing, the “SWIRLS” Nowcasting System developed by the Hong Kong Observatory can provide the fastest and latest weather information, resolving this uncertainty for everyone.

Hong Kong Observatory engagement in science

The Hong Kong Observatory is involved in different international meteorological affairs, from the certification of upper-altitude observation stations to aviation meteorological services, including the Asian Aviation Meteorological Centre, SIGMENT coordination and regional tropical cyclone briefings, to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAQ), wind shear monitoring LIDAR, My Flight Weather Electronic Flight Bag App, World Meteorological Organization Nowcasting Area Professional Meteorological Center, etc. At the same time, the Hong Kong Observatory has also developed its own nowcasting system "Little Vortex", which also participates in the global multi-hazard early warning system, and cooperates with the Airport Authority Hong Kong and China Light and Power Company Limited on "Big Data Analysis of Hong Kong International Airport Energy Management".
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