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Episode 1: 2023 Future Science Prize Week Series


Episode 1: 2023 Future Science Prize Week Series

“Being the outstanding human beings with the greatest curiosity and mind power, scientists need to be given more concern and stronger support. This is our original intention and spirit for introducing the Future Science Prize.” – Mr. LIU Qin, Rotating Chair of the Council of the Future Forum and the Future Science Prize Donor’s Congress said.
After eight years’ development, the Future Science Prize was held in Hong Kong for the first time in 2023. Packed with diverse activities for four consecutive days, the Future Science Prize Week has attracted almost 100 top scientists worldwide to gather together, sharing their views on cutting-edge topics in the scientific sector.

This episode features the wonderful moments and important conferences of the Future Science Prize Week——the Science Symposium, Asian Young Scientist Conference, Laureate Dialogue with the Youth, etc., and covers the interviews with several outstanding scientists having significant roles in the scientific community, including: Gregory Winter, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry 2018; Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry 2013; and Shankar Balasubramanian, Winner of the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences in 2022, thus enabling the audience to understand the latest development in various scientific research fields and its impacts on human life, and to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the Prize Week.
Besides, we have edited the highlights of the Prize Presentation Ceremony to revisit the important moments of presenting the Life Science Prize, Physical Science Prize, and Mathematics and Computer Science Prize to the laureates in recognition of their significant research outcomes achieved for all mankind, and to witness their honourable moments together.

Science: Creating the Future

Scientific research is not far away from us. Significant research outcomes achieved every time have facilitated the development and progress of human civilisation. Through their relentless efforts and innovations, scientists have revealed the secrets of nature and unraveled many mysteries. Their research outcomes have not only promoted technological advancement, but also changed our lifestyles and concepts. From breakthroughs in the medical field to innovations in various fields such as energy, environment and communications, scientific research has brought unlimited possibilities to us.

The programme consists of five documentaries, introducing the spectacular 2023 Future Science Prize Week and the laureates’ stories.

The first episode introduces the activities of the Future Science Prize Week, enabling the audience to understand the cutting-edge scientific research topics, and to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the Prize Week. Besides, through the roundtable dialogue, the 2023 Future Science Prize laureates have shared their experiences, views and ideas for the future development, and have interaction and discussions with other experts in the scientific sector.

In each of the last three episodes, we will feature a Hong Kong scientist who have been awarded the prize previously: Professor Yuk-Ming Dennis LO who was awarded the Life Science Prize in 2016, Professor Kam-Biu LUK who was awarded the Physical Science Prize in 2019, and Professor Ngai-Ming MOK who was awarded the Mathematics and Computer Science Prize in 2022. Through their stories, the audience can see the scientists’ efforts and courage to explore in scientific research. Moreover, young scientists will have dialogue with the scientist laureates to share their experiences and inspiration in their scientific research journeys with each other.

Co-produced by the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, Future Science Awards Foundation Limited and Radio Television Hong Kong
Supported by: Innovation and Technology Commission