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For the sake of my children


For the sake of my children

For a good number of years, expectant mothers from the mainland have been coming to Hong Kong to give birth to their children so that these children can become permanent residents. Having achieved their aim, however, many of these women … together with their husbands … are finding themselves in a predicament.

Producer: Fanny Kwan

Hong Kong Connection

If “ Hong Kong Connection ” were a tree, how old would it be? It was on 5 March, 1978 that the documentary series first went on the air in Chinese.

As the series continues, its staff are determined to go on uncovering and delving into every local and international topic that concerns the people in Hong Kong, whether it be political, economic, educational, commercial, environmental or technological.

A tree plays an important environmental role in refreshing the air that we breathe and holding from the earth on which we stand. It is Hong Kong Connection's mission to provide the public with information and analyses as well as an opportunity for rational discussion.

The programme is aired from 29 May 2023 (Monday) on RTHK32 at 9:30pm - 10:00pm.
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