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Angela Su Exhibition; New York Artist Daniel Arsham; Do Ho Suh's Fabric Sculpture, In ther studio: J


Angela Su Exhibition; New York Artist Daniel Arsham; Do Ho Suh's Fabric Sculpture, In ther studio: J

Influenced by her background in biochemistry, Angela Su’s drawings resemble anatomical, botanical and scientific illustrations from the 18th and 19th century, or even older. Now showing at Exit Gallery, the works in the exhibition “In Berty We Trust” include ink on drafting film, animation and a book about a machine called Berty.

While Angela Su blurs the distinctions between the organic and the mechanical, New York-based artist Daniel Arsham blurs the distinctions between
architecture and other forms, or between objects and the material of which they are made. He’s collaborated with artists ranging from choreographer Merce Cunningham, to producer Pharrell Williams, and designer Hedi Slimane. We talked to him while he was in Hong Kong for his exhibition opening at the Perrotin Gallery

Korean artist Do Ho Suh likes to work with fabric, but he doesn’t use it to make tapestries, rugs, or clothes. He uses it to make sculptures. In his new exhibition at the Lehmann Maupin Gallery until January 25th, he is using fabric to recreate items from places in which he lived in both New York City and Berlin. For him, such objects are ways to evoke memories of past residences.

Jazz solo trumpet player Anders Bergcrantz was born in Malmo Sweden and grew up in a family of jazz musicians This week he’s performing in Hong Kong as part of a tour that includes venues in Macau and China. Bringing him to Hong Kong is a frequent visitor to our programme, bassist Rickard Malmsten. And they’re here with me right now along with Anna-Lena Laurin and drummer Jack Greminger.

The Works

  • Video
  • English
  • Culture
  • On-going
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