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Extradition laws controversy: discussion with James Tien & animal welfare consultation


Extradition laws controversy: discussion with James Tien & animal welfare consultation

In April, the government launched a three-month consultation on improving animal welfare in Hong Kong. We’ll look at whether the proposals go far enough to prevent animal cruelty.

The government might give the public three months to comment on animal welfare but a mere 20 days’ worth of consultation was deemed to be sufficient for changing extradition laws for places where there is little or no human rights protection.
Meanwhile –and to no one’s great surprise - Beijing says it fully supports the HKSAR on this matter, adding that people who spread “made-up” fears over the extradition laws are doing so “with an ulterior motive”. With us to discuss the extradition laws controversy is James Tien, Honorary Chair of the Liberal Party.

Many people keep pets for more than just good company, they are also part of the family. A study released in 2016 estimated that 289,000 Hong Kong households have pets. Census and Statistics Department figures also indicate animal ownership has risen 72% over the past decade. The department expects the number of dogs and cats in Hong Kong to reach 545,600 this year. But in a city as crowded and space-restricted as Hong Kong the quality of life for animals, whether as pets, wild animals, or livestock, is far from guaranteed.

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