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Liu Xia in Germany, 709 anniversary & interview with Bernard Chan


Liu Xia in Germany, 709 anniversary & interview with Bernard Chan

Some good news for those who have long been worried about the well-being of Liu Xia, the widow of the dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo. This week she was finally allowed and go to Germany after eight years of what amounts to house arrest. Her release came a day before Chinese Premier Li Keqiang signed a commercial deal with Germany worth some 20 billion euros. Chinese officials deny a connection between these two events but the deal is also timely as a trade war between China and the United States moves from warm to hot.

We also talked to Bernard Chan, Convenor of the Non-official Members of the Executive Council, will be with us to talk about a whole lot things including housing policy, land supply and the current state of Hong Kong politics.

The flight to freedom of Liu Xia wasn’t the only good news this week. There was also very good news from Thailand where the coach and all members of the Wild Boars schoolboy football team were rescued from a cave after a complex and dangerous operation. They had been trapped for 17 days by sudden flooding in the Tham Luang caved in Chiang Rai. The search and three-day rescue mission involved Thai Navy Seals and diving experts from many countries. This extraordinary undertaking captivated world attention and saw offers of help pouring in from home and abroad. . Sadly, a former Thai navy SEAL, Saman Gunan, who’d volunteered to join the rescue, died while delivering air tanks. We’ll leave you with images of the rescue.

And that’s it from us for this week and in fact for this series. We’ll take a short summer break and will be back taking The Pulse of Hong Kong in mid-September. See you then.

The Pulse

RTHK's English-language current affairs programme that takes "The Pulse" of Hong Kong ... and the world around it.

"The Pulse" is presented by locally and internationally known journalist and writer Steve Vines.

Its focus? The latest events and trends that affect Hong Kong - from the corridors of power and business boardrooms, to the streets and dai pai dongs.

"The Pulse" is politics. What's happening in the Legislative Council and on the streets right now.

"The Pulse" is the media, informing us how well or badly our press and broadcast organisations diagnose and reflect the society around us.

"The Pulse" is insightful, in-depth reports and interviews on current issues - examining those issues in depth, looking behind and beyond the news.

Its focus is on the timely. The Now.

Keep your eye ... and your finger ... on "The Pulse".

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Starting 3 April, the programme is aired every Friday on RTHK 31 at 19:30. 

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Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.